I just learned that my friend has had a blighted ovum. I searched the internet and found it here http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/blighted-ovum/AN00418
"A blighted ovum is a cause of early pregnancy loss. It occurs when a fertilized egg develops a placenta and membrane but no embryo — often due to chromosomal abnormalities in the fertilized egg. A blighted ovum usually occurs in the first few weeks of pregnancy, often before a woman even knows she's pregnant.
With a blighted ovum, a woman may miss a period and have a positive pregnancy test. This is because the placenta secretes human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a pregnancy hormone. Symptoms of early pregnancy — such as fatigue and breast tenderness — are possible as well. But when the placenta stops growing and hormone levels decrease, the pregnancy symptoms subside. At this point, minor abdominal cramping and light spotting or bleeding are possible. An ultrasound will show an empty gestational sac."
I remembered that during my first few weeks of pregnancy I experienced almost the same thing. I was having light spottings for 2 days, then when my uterus was scanned we can only see the sac, no baby yet. I was 5wks + pregnant. Then the doctor told me that it might still be too small to see. He told me to go back in a week time. I really didnt know what to expect. Other than the fact that the pregnancy was too sudden for me, I am also totally blind about the whole pregnancy thing. What is normal and what is not. So I searched up online to find out about what might happen to me. Some say it's common, mostly say check up with the gynae immediately. It could be as simple as uterus expanding, the effect of the embryo sticking to the uterus wall etc, or could be as bad as sign of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy. But I didn't find such things as blighted ovum.
Thankfully, blissfully, and miraculuously, we can see it the next week. Despite what happened to me, despite all my worries and despite of everything, on 6wks + it showed up.. and we could see the heart beating slowly then. Now i'm thinking.. if God wanted it.. the baby wouldn't show up. It would just be an empty sac inside my womb. Then I wouldn't be carrying it now.
I am in my 12 wks now and I've been spotting again two times since then and so far it is still going strong and healthy. The heartbeat was strong, and it is moving actively inside. I think this baby is a real survivor. Despite all my lack of knowledge, my unpreparedness, my selfishness, and my body condition, it still survives. I hope it keeps on fighting inside for its life, and survives until the day we meet :)