Monday, January 23, 2017

17 Weeks +++

Ending my 17 wk count soon. This week I can slightly feel my baby move. Previously I felt something but I thought it was just gas, well, guess not. It's always on my right side. But not every day. Now is nearing 18 weeks and I'm feeling nothing again.

So far everything's good. No more vomiting whatsoever (expect occasionally when I eat something that triggers my acid reflux). Still not a big fan of canned drinks, plain water (replaced with infused lemon water. I do drink lots of plain water in the wee hours), chocolates, plain white rice, instant noodles, coconut milk food based, sweet stuff (except candies). All those food still make me throw up.

A huge fan of soupy stuff (noodles, udon, ramen), pastas, anything sour and salty, spicy stuff, fresh fruits, veggies, lattes (1 cup a day max, I swear!).

It's pretty much my healthiest pregnancy appetite ever (except the latte). I now even can drink strawberry milk in the morning, considering I couldn't drink cow milk AT ALL during both previous pregnancies. I don't crave specific things much. Any food is fine as long as I don't eat PLAIN RICE. Nasi lemak, nasi uduk, nasi liwet, nasi goreng are fine. I do WANT UDON so much these days but haven't found it yet. I like meat, chicken skin (SERIOUSLY!), but plain spiceless chicken meat me no likey.

Not a big fan of snacking as well. I snack on fruits cause most snacks are not filling and in the end they are just creating gas in my stomach making it uncomfortable. So snack a bit, filled up with fruits.

This time round I also have pimples popping out on my forehead, chin, nose. But I think it's settled down now. My hair seems to be healthier and it has more volume (preparation before the "autumn of hairfall season" after birth I guess). Enjoy all while it lasts.

I don't look pregnant if you see me from the front or the back, but I do look "bigger" seen from the side.
My next check up is still in 4 weeks time. By then I'll be 22 weeks, and we can see the gender. I'm feeling a boy to be honest but it can still be a girl. I'll get lots of pity if it's another girl though. Humans!

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