Friday, May 17, 2013

Living as "Foreign Talent" in Singapore

I would like to share the bitter sweet life for the whole 7 years that I have spent here. I've lived through the big changes and I really think within these 7 years span lie the turnover point in Singaporean lives.

I came on 2006. Life was good back then. The city was vibrant with life but less crowded. Less(er) malls, I could still see green grasses, empty fields where Indians used to have their picnics and crickets. I could still hop on the train and sit on empty train all the way from BoonLay to Changi. Morning near NTU would come with a cold fog over it. When PR applications were 100% approved, when foreign workers were mainly Indians, Indonesians, and Malaysians.

I think the horrendous crowds started pouring in on the year 2008. All the Chinese started to move in, as well as the Phillippines and Burmese. Then the train started to get crowded. Now, 2013, I couldn't find an empty train. Not even midnight!!! Now all nationalities started pouring in. Even those from Europe are starting to crowd the place as well.

I am a foreigner and I am feeling more and more uncomfortable by the days. Back then bus drivers still smile, taxis were affordable, and people were nicer. I totally understand why the Singaporeans protested. If I could I would protest too. My only mistake is that I didn't think I'd live here long enough to consider taking up PR. Now I partly regret it.

If you are a foreigner and married, making more than S$10000 a month in one household, you'll be more than happy here. Alas, with the good transportation, good hygiene system, good education, safe environment. The government will love you too, it'll be easier for you to get your PR provided that they still have quota for your race. If you are earning S$ 6000 a month in a household and your wife stays home to take care of the kids, and you have no liabilities back home, you'll be just fine and can still save up. If you are single and earning S$ 3000 you can save up enough.   If you are both working, have insurance to pay, house installment to pay, make sure your combined earning is more than S$ 6000 a month. If you have more than 1 kid going to school and you need a maid, being a foreigner I'd say you have to earn $7000-$8000. This is just rough estimates.

Companies here are pretty stingy, unless you get hired by big companies that is willing to pay for the whole family's medical expenses, vaccinations, etc. For most foreigners like me and husband, company don't pay for delivery fees, family's medical expenses, etc. THe company only pays for the employees, so I have one, husband has one. So we have to be money smart and save up for emergency situations. Paediatricians aren't cheap either. One consultation can cost $40-$80.  Electricity bills can go as high as $250 a month. Not to mention food materials that are getting more expensive by the days.

Most of us here don't live in luxuries like it seems. Especially if you have 2 young kids and a maid in tow. I don't have that much money to spare to shop at Zara, or H&M or uniqlo. Well once every 4 months maybe. I only go out to eat at restaurants once or twice a month. I don't buy things that are more than 40$, unless I have saved up for it.

I am struggling to save up with the current living cost. Alhamdulillah I could still save up for 1-2 short vacation to Batam or Malaysia a year. Plus 1 trip back home every year. So I'm not complaining.

I am just writing this regarding things that you need to consider before moving here. For you singles, I'd say just jump over here and work. For families, you need to do some calculations before signing that contract. Yes, this country does have its benefits as I have stated above. But remember, not everything is as good as it seems. I've been in this country too long I guess :D


Ditinggal teman-teman satu persatu pindah ke perusahaan lain rasanya seperti hilang harapan. Asal muasal hijrah besar-besaran ini adalah karena sudah satu tahun perusahaan saya TIDAK ADA proyek. Manajemen bilang perusahaan ini masih bisa bertahan sampai tahun depan. Setelah itu wallahu alam. Kenyataan itu dan kebosanan tak terkira itu membuat amat sangat gelisah.

We all got mouths to feed, bills to pay, lifestyle to maintain (oke, yang ini sekunder). Dan saya termasuk yang posisinya paling lemah di perusahaan ini. Kenapa?

Sejak tahun 2009 memang pemerintah sini sudah membatasi PR approval, alias lebih diseleksi lagi. Sejak tahun lalu alias 2012 lebih parah lagi, karena penduduk lokal semakin keberatan pemerintah menambah pekerja asing (foreign talent) mereka pun memperketat Employment Pass (EP) approval. Mereka menaikkan batas gaji untuk EP, mengurangi kuota S Pass, bahkan dengar2 mereka akan membuat kuota buat EP (tadinya tidak ada). Alasan penduduk lokal karena pekerja asing ini adalah saingan laten bagi para pekerja lokal untuk mencari kerja. Memang sih, perusahaan kadang cenderung memilih untuk memperkerjakan pekerja asing. Kenapa?

Jadi penduduk lokal a.k.a PR dan Singaporean setiap bulannya gaji dipotong 20% untuk CPF ( the so called pension fund) dan masih bayar pajak tahunan. Sedangkan pekerja asing hanya perlu bayar pajak tahunan sekitar 5.5% di akhir tahun. Tentu saja dong, jadi perusahaan bisa memperkerjakan pekerja asing dengan gaji yg setidaknya 20% lebih kecil. Bahkan biaya yang harus dibayar perusahaan tiap bulan untuk tiap EP holders di perusahaan tidak sampai 20%.

Banyak bisnis tutup karena kuota pekerja asing diturunkan dan mereka tidak mampu melanjutkan usaha. Jika ingin terus lanjut maka harga barangnya harus dinaikkan, karena harus menggaet pekerja lokal yang notabene lebih mahal, mana bahan pokok juga mahal. Nah kalau harga barang/jasa dinaikkan, memang masih laku? Contoh: toko menjual bebek panggang seporsi S$10. Untuk terus beroperasi dia harus menaikkan biaya jadi S$20. Ada yang mau beli bebek panggang di coffeeshop harga segitu? I don't think so.

Kembali ke kasus saya. Kalau teman-teman saya orang lokal apply pekerjaan dan saya bersaing dengan mereka, untuk saat ini saya kalah telak. Kecuali saya mau dibayar murah dengan kualitas sama. Tapi yang bener aja, tinggal disini juga tidak murah loh.

Jadi memang tinggal tetap berusaha mencari pekerjaan baru dan terus tawakkal. Semoga ditunjukkan yang terbaik, diberi yang terbaik, dan dalam proses, diikhlaskan menjalaninya. Aamiiin

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2013 - Cost Efficient Year

After reviewing our cashflow, account balance, incomes and spending, I officially announce that this household will be cutting down further on spending. The PUB bills are just crazy. The government expect us who have babies to sleep in a non air conditioned room? In this weather? Well, if you want to use just pay up. Shoot!

Not to forget our daily spendings which are getting more and more expensive each day. I'm trying my best to save up at least 20% of our total income but it is just getting more and more impossible by the days. Now I'm down to saving up 13% of our total income. Well that is the big save which is for our future funds, be it any emergency, or in case we decided to go back to Indonesia and buy a house. My husband also save some money on him as well. But in my account, it is decreasing rapidly. Lucky I have partitioned my savings into a few portions, OCBC has this feature. So I portioned it into kids emergencies (just incase they are sick, their trip to the doc for normal illness is not covered by anyone you see), my own emergency funds, vacation funds, gold fund, etc. But the fund for my so called "foya-foya" spending is finishing up soon. :(.

Means I am cutting down on my shopping. I can't buy anything that is not necessary. So for the next few months, no new shoes, no new bags, no new clothes for myself. I think I can live with that. In the meantime I'll try to rebuild my savings again.

Apart from that, I really feel that we are actually underpaid. Our salary did not increase much, or at least it couldn't keep up with the national inflation. The only solution is to look for a new job that is paying higher. It's just that it's not that easy with the current economy depression.

Allah has arranged everything, I believe that behind every hardship there is a virtue. I'll try my best to apply for new jobs (again) and see how it turns out. If it's not meant for me, it means I just need to tone down my spending. After all, Allah does not like a life full of unnecessary luxuries. Maybe this is MY reminder in a way. To cherish what I have, make do of what I have. So stop whining, and start saving!! :D

Vibram 5 Fingers Review

This has been a delayed review for ages!!

All I can say is that it was great! Of course it comes in a package with a not-so-cheap price. Rather expensive I'd say. I bought this in Takashimaya SG for about S$ 159 and they rarely have discount. Oh but watch out for their booths in running events registration. My hubby bought his during Stanchar registration, on their promo booth outside. I think it was 15% disc which was a very good buy. It is great for running, or daily activities. When you walk or run, it felt like it was just your feet and the ground. Strangely it does not feel so hot or humid inside either. And when I took it off, my feet don't stink. So I guess the fabric IS breathable.

I totally forgot what model this is, but I bought this because of the color mainly. They have quite a few ranges, starting from the simplest one that is only for casual walking use only. The one that I bought is mainly for running, jogging, and casual use. I actually was looking for the one which can be used for trekking as well, but it wasn't pwetty so I didn't buy it hahahahaha. The only downside of this is just that maybe some people dislike the toe like shoes appearance, some people find it disgusting hahahahaa.

Overall rating: 5 out of 5!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Single Parent for A Month

Sounds "lebay" but that's truly how I feel. Last time he was posted in Jakarta he managed to come back every 2 weeks for 1 whole year. That was hard at that time too.

This time it is 4 whole weeks alone, with two kids! The first time he left I thought, it's just a month. How bad could it be? 1 week went by, I was stressed. 2 weeks went by, I was stressed to the max! 3 weeks went by, anti climax. This is the last week, hopefully no bad surprises. I hate it.

The first week it was really tough for me and the kids. We are used to the routine of me handling Rana and Bram handling Asha. She is used to being tucked into sleep. So the first week was full of battle with me and Asha when I'm nursing and she wants to sleep as well. This battle only subsides by the end of second week. By the third week she can sleep by herself without me tucking her in.

The last 3 weeks I needed to wake up early to fetch Asha to school. No time for bfast, pumping, etc. Not just that, I needed to wash her face brush her teeth and shower her. So I needed to finish all my business first, so after all that all I needed to do is prepare for work. So every morning is a rush! Plus I don't know the bus schedule yet, so sometimes I waited so long for the bus to come.

Not to mention that Asha really demands my attention now that the dad is not around. I spent the first and second week taking her for a stroll on the neighborhood before bedtime. I was so exhausted.

Maybe I was more exhausted mentally, not sure why. Oh plus my interview that sucked big time! With no one to share it with. Now that all has gone to pass I don't even know what I was stressing about.

The point is the whole family is adapting to the situation. I went back to my old routine of taking her to school. Walk to MRT station everyday from work, and strangely I feel tired in a way, but I feel great too!

A great turn over point, on Saturday hubby said he might come back earlier. He did! He arrived yesterday. Turns out it was just 3 weeks of lonesome parenting. And Asha is still as demanding as ever.... hahahaha