Monday, February 23, 2009


I told my friend I wanted to go to Java for my honeymoon.. Then she laughed and said.. "going Hongkong for your holiday, but for honeymoon you picked Java of all places"

That's abit ironic in a way.. but try looking at it MY way..

Of course my main concern is cost. Global economic R-E-C-E-S-S-I-O-N! Should save up while u can, spend less if you can, eat less when you can. :D
Another reason I have is....

I actually envy my friends in Indo.. they took many pictures in Indonesia and they captured some beautiful views, and moments.. The views and moments I didn't even realize existed.. The name that we call Indonesia, "The jade of the equator", is it really true?
The cultural richness.. the fertile land... the magnificent views.. the biodiversity.. the mountains, the sea, the sand.. the wonderful people.. I suppose that's where the name came from. Because we're rich...

I also feel so ashamed of myself... I'm an Indonesian, but I didn't even know they existed. I wanted to prove with my own eyes.. the blue and beauty of Indonesia.

Why I chose Java? Well.. it's our origin.. My dad is pure Javanese.. my mom is half Javanese.. my future husband is also a Javanese. Where would be the greatest place to begin but discovering the greatness of your own roots? This way we will appreciate our culture even more, preserve our tradition, and discovering that God created heaven on earth not far from where we've been...



My Most Asked Question of the month is.........

" How is your preparation?"

Truthfully, I don't know how to answer that.. In the end I choose to answer flatly to everyone: "wish me luck".
How the hell am I supposed to answer that?????
1. It's not even done
2. I don't even know what's done and what's not
3. Even if I was asked how many percent is settled I also don't knoww.. cos it is not settled yet!!!

Do they hope I'll confide in each one of them? Mann.. when they asked how is MY preparation. All those problems and unsettled stuff kept on pouring to my head... Maybe that is what making me cranky and easily agitated almost every day..

This wedding thing is somehow making me feel exhausted so far.. Maybe I'm just reaaaallllly bad in stress management. -___-

Pray for me people puhleeeeeeeasseee... So everything will be okay, things will go wrong of cos, but still okay.. rite? o_O


My curiosity was intrigued by this ad in the internet Ponari Sweat (supposed to be Pocari Sweat). Who/What is Ponari???
After asking Om Google and swimming on and equivalent. I found out that Ponari is the name of a boy who became a phenomenon in Indonesia because of his "ability" to heal people. It was told that once upon a time he found a rockstone after thunder struck his home. Then he kept it, when his mom and dad wanted to throw it away it kept on coming back. The so called "magic rock" somehow gave him special power to heal people. At least that's what I concluded from the story.

Thousands of people came to his house, drink a special water that was said to have the ability to heal people. This phenomenon brought the attention of Kak seto (a famous children phsychiatrist) and even MUI (maybe becos this is considered as the syirik action). Even the Komnas PA (national child protection agency) was a bit concerned of the exploitation fact. It became the concern of the authorities and the local government because some of the sick people who are queueing are too exhausted and some even died on their way to the hospital. So far 4 people have died from exhaustion of queueing. Imagine.. there are maybe 1000 people queueing each day!!!

Sometimes.. those people on top think too much. Their basic needs are somewhat all fulfilled they can't tolerate or even understand why people behave like they did in this case. Imagine yourself extremely poor, you can't afford medication, even for a living you have to struggle your way through. This will be like the ultimate chance to be better, and they've got nothing to lose! If the illness is really bad, it's worth a try, since they will day anyway.. but better die trying (a harsh way to put it). The healing doesn't cost a thing, usually people give as much money as they can afford. They've got no education, no idea what happens to them, but it's just killing them.. They want to get better to continue on with their life, provide food, find one way or the other just to survive.

Do you think they'd care if it's syirik, nonsense, impossible, or out of this world? If I were them I wouldn't give a shit about it.. Well, like it or hate it, that's how most Indonesians are..
They are still those poor people who never dreamt of going abroad, or buy a BMW, pursue career in Europe, traveling around the world.
This is one of the things that is caused by the unequality of education quality throughout of Indonesia. We have what is called the curriculum, but I wonder whether it is applicable.

One thing is for sure.. We don't have an equal standard of how educated our people are. We all may count, we all may read.. but it's how we see the world is different. I personally think education is not measured by how well u read the book, or how good u are in math.. but your perspective of looking at the world.

So Ponari? Whether it's true or not.. we have to note that.. this is how OUR people look at things. THIS is what we are dealing with..

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Catatan dari Semarang

Terakhir kali saya mengunjungi Indonesia, saya menyempatkan diri menengok Eyang Putri di Salatiga. Salatiga adalah sebuah kota kecil di lintasan jalur dari Semarang menuju Solo. Untuk mencapai tempat itu langsung bisa dengan mengendarai bus, tapi ah, jika anda pernah naik bus lintasan Jawa pasti juga ogah. Naek bus ke Jawa tu = mempertaruhkan nyawa. Alternatif lainnya hanya naik kereta ato pesawat ke Semarang. Saya akhirnya memilih naik kereta karena saya rindu dengan rel kereta, jesgejesgejes.. tuuuuuutttuuuutt..

Setibanya di Semarang, ibu saya mewanti2 utk naek becak ke Jln Cipto.
"kalo ibu sama bpk, biasanya berdua Rp.5000. Tapi km sm Bram kayanya Rp.10000 deh" (note: Bram tu beratnya 1 kwintal)

Akirnya setelah sedikit tawar menawar, si bapak setuju dibayar Rp.10,000. Becak itu seperti becak2 di jawa pada umumnya, becak yg atapnya bisa dilipat. Ketika atapnya dilipat, tukang becak dan penumpang bisa bercakap2.

"Adek masih sekolah?"
"Gak pak.. saya udah kerja"
"Kerjanya jadi apa?"
"Saya anak teknik pak, jd skrg jadi insinyur"
"wah enak ya dek udah selese sekolahnya. Anak saya semua masih sekolah dek. Yang paling besar masih semester 8, yg kedua baru semester 3"
"Semester 8 kan udah mau selese pak.. emang ambil jurusan apa?"
"kedokteran dek, di undip. mahal deh biaya kuliahnya. adaaaa aja biayanya. Saya sampe harus jual sawah di kampung buat bayar. Alhamdulillah semua kebutuhan keluarga saya bisa dipenuhin dgn ngebecak gini dek. Alhamdulillah juga saya bisa nyekolahin keluarga saya ya dari ngebecak ini"
" wo iya, kedokteran sih emang lama ya pak.. yang kedua jurusan apa pak?"
"akuntansi, klo yg ketiga masih smp dek"
"ya gapapa lah pak, kalo udh jadi dokter kan insy bisa bantu2 bpk di kemudian hari.

Ketika sampai di tujuan tidak jauh dari sana, saya memberi sedikit lebih utk si bapak. Saya sadar sesadar-sadarnya, saya sangat beruntung.
Allah itu maha adil sebenarnya, dari harta yg halal insya Allah akan menghasilkan output yg bagus dan bermanfaat pula. Banyak orang kaya diluar sana yg hartanya haram, output yg dihasilkan pun tidak bermanfaat. Siapa bilang utk bertahan hidup anda perlu uang yg banyak? Anda hanya perlu berusaha, tidak peduli berapa yang anda dapet selama anda berusaha berdoa dan mencari harta yang halal. Niscaya hasilnya akan lebih baik. Anda mungkin tidak akan pernah kaya secara materi, namun anda akan selalu merasa cukup.

"Jaga Kesehatan yaa"

Itu pesan semua tante2 kemaren pas aku baru balik dari Indonesia terakhir kali. Dalam hati aku berpikir, "betul juga ya mesti jaga kesehatan". Tapi kadang yg paling diwanti2 itu justru yg kemudian terjadi. Begitu aku sampai Singapore, hampir tiap minggu aku didera penyakit. Mulai dari radang tenggorokan, ambeyen, virus flu, selangkangan lecet gara2 salah pembalut, ditambah keram bulanan yg emang udh jadi langganan aku hampir tiap bulan.

Terus terang aku rada pontang panting ngatasin semua penyakit ini. Bukannya apa2.. Kalo aku ga kerja mungkin lbh mudah ya, tapi berhubung aku kerja, masa tiap minggu sakit minta cuti sakit??? Jadi apa boleh buat terpaksa ditahankanlah di kantor dengan segala daya upaya. Sebenernya kalo dipikir2, selama sebulan bertubi2 kena penyakit ini itu tampak menyedihkan bin pathetic. Masa sih ada orang segitunya?

Kata temanku, cobaan orang yang mau menikah itu macam2 bentuknya. Buat aku ya, aku terus terusan didera penyakit. Alhamdulillah sih ga serius, dan mudah2an ga akan ada yg serius. Cuma ga mungkin lah aku bilang begitu sm orang kantor klo org mo nikah biasanya dikasih cobaan. Orang sini mahhhhh... free thinker dan kalo ada sesuatu yg buruk terjadi sm kita ya karena kita ga jaga fisik. Sebenernya aku jg bingung sih klo ditanya kenapa sakit2 melulu. Aku udh olahraga, makan jg normal.. ga aneh2 juga. Mungkin ada faktor gara2 akunya juga, dan ada faktor nasib juga.

Mana ada sih orang yang mau sakit? Aku juga gamau. Apalagi menjelang nikahan... Ga oke banget lg di pelaminan trus meler. hahaha..
Semoga aku cepat sembuh dan bisa mulai "menjaga kesehatan". :D

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

H-38 to the Wedding Day

When I started this blog, it was 300++ days to the wedding day. Now it's down to 38 more days.. So many things have passed really...
1 year might be too long to prepare a wedding, but for me.. 1 year is abit too fast. His grandma passed away, my mom was sick, my mom went for surgery, my grandma fell sick too.. up till now.

For some people, preparing a wedding may not take a long time. For some people, they want to make it as perfect as possible. After all, we all want to be married just once.
We have been dating for5 years.. on 26 of march we would have officially been dating for 6 years!
On 28 of march we'll be married *insya Allah

Sometimes I envy people who met their soulmate then marry not long after. It was my dream, meet someone I love, then get married soon afterwards. I wanted to have a feeling of knowing someone for a short period of time then u feel like you know him all your life. Well, it ain't happening. Not for me at least.
Some people say that knowing someone, or dating someone for years does not mean you know him. THAT I can relate. I also know that getting married after dating someone for years means you lost those years that you can spend being lovey dovey during your marriage. Maybe or maybe not.. I will still be lovey dovey. Most likely, no...

Marrying someone you've known for years is like... marrying your own family, your own brother, your own best friend. I don't believe in such a thing as eternal love. But I believe that if you marry someone who knows you like your own family, it shall be an unbreakable bond. It doesn't guarantee that the marriage will last, but it sure will be harder to break.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Oleh2 dari Jkt

Kalau ditanya, bawa oleh2 apa dari Jkt? Saya akan menjawab, kaki pegal, otak lelah, banyak renungan, dan ketidak percayaan diri. Loh kok? Ya jelas.. waktu saya kmrn di Jkt tersita banyak untuk mengurusi pernikahan, keliling2 Jkt tentunya, bertemu bnyk orang.
Blm lagi di Jkt merasa ga tega jg membiarkan kedua orang tua mondar mandir sana sini mengurusi semuanya. Tapi apa blh buat, keadaan saya jg yg membuat saya tidak bisa berada disana 24jam membantu dgn otak dan tenaga.

Ketidakpercayaan diri?? Semua orang bilang saya gendut, dan saya merasa semakin hitam akibat dari beberapa kali memanjakan diri dibawah sinar matahari. Konon tampaknya menjelang pernikahan seorang wanita harus mempercantik dirinya secantik2nya agar tampak menawan di hari pernikahan. Konon harus berpuasa pula agar tampak bersinar di hari H. Banyak lah konon desas desus yg beredar. Jadi sekarang saya berjuang mengurangi tambahan lemak dan berusaha mendisiplinkan diri utk tampak cantik di hari istimewa itu.

Sejujurnya saya bkn tipe orang yg "menjaga penampilan". Saya sih pd dasarnya apa adanya aja. Mau menghitam ya hitamlah.. toh hitam bukan akir dr dunia ini. Mau menggendut ya gapapalah asal berbahagia. Jd oleh2 PR dr Jkt ini sedikit banyak mengurangi kesenangan duniawi saya. Kata orang sih, no pain no gain.. Tapi toh painnya semestinya dinikmati jg bkn?

Tp PR terpenting yg saya bawa dr Jkt, tampaknya saya harus memperbanyak doa, zikir dan berpasrah diri pada ALlah. Karena semua adalah berdasarkan kehendakNya dan hanya dgn cara itu mungkin saya bisa meringankan beban kedua orang tua saya yg pontang panting urus ini itu di Indo.
Banyak memang PR yg saya bawa dari sana. Namun yg plg penting adalah kemantapan niat saya utk menikah, semoga Allah meluruskan niat saya. Amin