Saturday, August 23, 2008

Why oh why?

Kenapa ya gw suka merasa semakin mendekati nikahan sifat si pacar makin jelek aja? gw ssering bgt tersinggung gara2 dia. Makin temperamen dan jd manja bgt. Menurut gw ga adil aja gitu secara gw sendiri gatau kan masalahnya apaaan. Dia ga pernah cerita dan dia berharap gw gimana coba? Klo gw kan temperamen ato gmn gitu kdg emang karena time of the month. Lah dia kan ga ada hormonal thing seperti itu....

Meskipun terdengar spt pembelaan wanita but it's true. Men are men, they are not supposed to rely on emotions and feelings, and no hormonal stuff. But really.. i feel so sad sometimes. Kenapa siih mesti begitu? gw kan di dpn org bnyk ga enak jg kali berantem. Masa sih rame2an gitu dia malah manja2an ngambekan ga penting???? Pls deh pacar, get a grip! You think you're the only one with a life here? With so many things on your mind and a lot to settle??? You never think my life is as tough as yours???? Pls deh, it's not just you in this world dear... You might want to consider my feelings once in a while and stop being a boy!!!!!!! If you really feel tired then just stay away from me...

Kembali deh gw berpikir, am I really marrying this guy???

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