Sunday, August 17, 2008


I usually say InsyaAllah if I was afraid that everything would go wrong, or just to ease my mind from the big X factor. At least I wasn't 100% sure of what was going to happen. But just now, I read agatha christie's book.. The title was: They came to baghdad. In there one of the character was saying, “this car looks like it might break down any second now” and the other one replied, “it might. one will never know. but these iraqis are very good at fixing up and tying up things and saying InsyaAllah then the thing is working again”.

Then I was thinking, my way of saying it and their way of saying it has a totally different perspective. Their way of life was always fearless.. They surrendered everything to Allah even as they speak. For me, I was always afraid everything would go wrong, so I thought even if something was to go wrong, it wouldn't be my fault since I have said Allah's name meant that there are some things I can't control.

They have believed that Allah's hand really takes a part in everything. While the way I used it was I only believed that it was partially Allah's doing, the rest is my own effort. Isn't everything partially effort and partially prayers? But the thing is.. if Allah isn't willing, then nothing good would happen? We ourselves actually make our own fate. Even so, I was just wondering, will my life be more at ease if from the very beginning I surrender everything to Allah?

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