Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My 7th Month Going 8th Month

I want to complain and whine!!!

My polyp (I think) is gone. So far no bleeding or spotting anymore even during intercourse. But now my baby has grown bigger therefore putting pressures on my pelvis nerves and surrounding area.

New problem has arisen (aiyoh), and it's round ligament pain. My pelvis hurts whenever I stand from sitting down. But last month after I came back from my Hari Raya vacation was worse! I was still carrying my 15kg girl every now and then, and my room in Jakarta is on the second floor. Back then the pain was really bad! Lucky after I came back, do my everyday routine, with my maid helping me take care of my girl the pain slowly subsides and at least it doesn't hurt as bad.

I find that my daily prayers has helped me to stretch my muscles and ligaments, and it doesn't hurt when I performed all the routines. So I intend to do it normally until I couldn't take it.
The swelling has started as well. My feet now swell if I sit down too long so in the office I try to flex my legs often.

My appetite has been good, but not my tummy size. I could only take light breakfast, heavier lunch and light dinner. If I exceed my tummy size at one go, it will all end up inside the toilet again. Good in a way, because I don't move as much nowadays. Anything I eat will surely end up for the baby and the rest contributes to my fats. But I still can't tolerate too much cookies or sweet things and YAKULT! Sheesh, everytime I try to drink it always ends up upsetting my stomach and I have to vomit it out.

Baby wise, she's pretty much actively moving and kicking. Not sure which is hands legs butt, or head. I am so pathetic, a second timer and still..... Looking forward for the last scan on early October.

My wishes:
1. Hopefully no big issues until my delivery day. I'm wishing for another normal delivery to save money.
2. Hopefully she's head down during my next scan.
3. Hope she's well until the day I meet her :)

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