Friday, September 28, 2012

Chiropractic First Visit

What's a chiropractic? Chiropractic is a health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletalsystem and the effects of these disorders on general health -wikipedia.

In short, it deals with spinal positioning and subluxations. In simple understanding, it's a practice to fix your spinal and bone systems that support your body, and therefore letting go of squeezed, pulled, or stuck tissues and muscles. It turns out that when your spine or bone is not in its supposed place it will in turn pull the muscles going thru it.

Why am I talking about it? Because for the past month I've been suffering from pelvic pain. It's not severe, it's just painful and uncomfortable. Especially when I turn in bed, when I got out of my office chair after sitting for a few hours, when I first walk out of bed, after long walking hours. But after I walk for sometime, it feels better tho still somewhat painful. My doctor told me to bear with it, my friends told me to bear with it, they told me it's one of pregnancy common complaints. It is maybe so, but I still browsed and googled if there is some way to make it more bearable. Then I found some western forums and discussions regarding this. It turns out however common it is, it is not normal. It's true that in most cases it only happens during pregnancy but in some rare cases, it still continues until postbirth, even a lifetime. In some severe rare cases you can be decapitated for life. I don't want to think negative, but if it can turn out serious, means it IS abnormal.

So therefore I started browsing for the solution, and I found the word chiropractic all over. I didn't really understand how they could help with it since it's a bone problem. But I still tried to browse for chiropractors in Singapore who are experienced with pregnant ladies. Stumbled upon a few general chiropractors, but I am more interested in one. They are called Asia chiropractic. I called them up and made appointment for the next day.

First time I came, they introduced me to what chiropractic is. Then the doctor (both doctors and the staffs are all females btw) checked my spines, my pelvic bones, how they are sitting, are they sitting properly to support all my weight plus extra weight. Turns out my right pelvic bone at the back is sitting higher than the left side. She said it's pulling all my tissues and muscles especially the front left side. Then she gently adjusted my back pelvic bone, massage my tissues and muscles so it's not so stiff anymore. She even gently massaged the ligaments connected to my stomach cos that too is being pulled. She said they can even help to correct breech baby, help to ease the way out for baby for easier delivery.

After first visit, I feel slightly better, not as stiff as the first time I came. 

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