Monday, April 2, 2012

Old Friend

I have an old friend. We used to share the same passion, our conversations connected and he was a very good friend to talk to, especially regarding work. But I guess he changed I changed. He became career minded, money minded, while I remained knowledge minded, and not so much for the money. He said he has family to think about, but that is no excuse to forget your passion. Once you start to work for money, forever you'll be enslaved by it.

I grew up in a family where money is just a necessity to live comfortably. My father didn't raise us to work for money but rather to do what we love and getting paid sufficiently. I too never dreamed of being super rich with super powers, I just love to learn so many new things. Maybe this is why I've never been a money minded person. I never lived poor, always sufficient, so for me it was never an issue. It's easy for me to live by passion. Not so easy on others.

So I guess we have gone our separate ways. There he goes chasing his career and here I am still pursuing as many things possible. I pray me or my husband will never be enslaved by money. I pray that forever our money will be enough but not too much to make us live too lavish and blind us.
More money means you have more share in it for the unfortunate. :). Even Rasulullah himself has nothing and he is more holy than any other person in the world. To have a good family you don't have to be rich, you only have to be grateful and make the most of it.

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