Friday, March 16, 2012

Pasca Weaning (The effects on me)

My daughter has been weaned off since January. Actually we have been trying for the second one since then. But still not our turn yet I guess. Since then my body has seemed to go back to its regular function.

My metabolism slowed down, because it's not producing milk anymore. The thing that takes time is to slow down my appetite. The first month I still eat like usual. Then the second month I noticed all my clothes are getting tighter. When I weigh myself I gained an extra 3kgs!!!! Unbelievable! Since then I only managed to shed 1-1.5kg. I need to eat less exercise more.

The other thing is my hormone too going back to normal. During my breastfeeding times I rarely get "physical PMS" so severe. Now 1week before menses, my stomach bloated, I get cramps, terrible fatigue, immune system drop, horrible mood swing, constipated. It's scary what weaning off has done to your body! I've never felt as miserable (and fat) as now.

I also noticed that since I've weaned off my menses cycle normalizes. Previously it was errated. Now starting to stabilize itself between 27-29 days. So yup, I'm back to my old self.

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