Saturday, October 25, 2008


Do you know how certain things remind you of someone or something? How u seemed to hear or see something and just like that ur head flies away to a certain past. I myself seem to always remember my past every time I hear or see something.

Then u'll remember how nice it was, and wonder what actually went wrong. Sometimes I think people just meet to say good bye someday. Because that's how everyone is in my life. They seem to come and go. It's a neverending list.... Sometimes I grow tired of letting go. But life goes on rite? You can't linger on something that you know will leave you anyway.

What went wrong exactly? I think time changes everything. They change how people feel, their priority, their life.. They just do. Then what about me? Time seems to stand still around me. I personally don't change, cos for some people I'd like to stay just the way I am now. So I always felt left behind. I want to leave people behind sometimes.. but sometimes I just don't have the courage to do that. Cos I like things the way they are, why other people don't I got no clue why.

Well, as I say, people just change, they don't care about other people's life. They just care on moving on by themselves. Which I think is so unfair. I always felt bad leaving a friend behind, but they never cared about how I'd feel. Then I guess I just wasn't a priority anymore, or less important. It's kinda sad really...

That's how far I'd go that you really can't rely on anyone but yourself. But I'm pretty helpless in this friendship thing. I can fall in love as a friend so easily that they kept on breaking my heart. Don't know how many pieces it is now.

Then I guess I am just helpless at being a very good faithful friend. And you know, in your life, you need someone like me once in a while to remind you that a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Kenapa sih?

Kenapa sih ortu tu mesti gengsi2an? Penting ya sapa yg mestinya mulai duluan, adatnya gmn, dll dll? Klo yg namanya niat baik mah bukannya dijabanin aja despite mestinya kaya gmn? Gw suka heran deh.. emang klo ngucapin selamat idul fitri gt mesti ada yg duluan ya? Trus klo update2 berita ga bisa casual aja ya?

Terus.. klo mengucapkan belasungkawa tu mesti berkali2 ya? gabisa dititipin aja ato gmn gitu? yg penting pan niat baiknya?

Org tua tu memang membingungkan... Kadang kita berharap mereka bisa lebih dewasa melihat segala sesuatunya tp kdg mereka justru jd lbh sempit jarak pandangnya yah. Is that something I'll be as I got older? Hopefully not..

Recap so far

Believe it or not.. It's 5 months to go! Sheesh.. time flies by damn fast.
Just a recap..

Almost everything is settled. But we hv to retake the pre wed pics and I hvn't decided on the invites and souvenirs. Still no idea what soever..
I actually wanted a simple cheap invites. It just seems that my dad wanted the thick invites with my pics on it. He said, "so people will know who is getting married". Well, he DOES have a point there. Sometimes if I see an invites I can't help but think.. "who the heck is this person?". If it does have a picture I'd go, "ooooww.. this guuyy... waah getting married already?".

One more thing.. even though I don't like the assistant photographers last time, but my cousin's prewed pics are okay. mb becos the photographer himself took the pics. So.. my mom arranged for re-takes. Hope it'll be much better though...

I actually planned on going back early Dec. My mom is hving a medium surgery end of the month. But if I go back at that time, I will be rushing things quite a lot. So I decided to go back twice, early Nov and early Dec.

One more thing, I haven't decided on what I want for the "seserahan". I best make a list of what to buy then..

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Resesi Ekonomi

Satu cobaan berlalu, cobaan laen dtg lg. Alhamdulillah ibuku sudah sembuh.. kembali seperti semula. Aku merasa sangat bahagia tidak terkira.. Namun begitu.. baru2 ini Lehman br bangkrut. FYI, Lehman merupakann perusahaan investasi raksasa di dunia. Krn kesalahan perhitungan sang CEO akhirnya bener2 bangkrut. Semua perusahaan yg ada hubungannya dgn perusahaan ini smuanya ikut terjun bebas, dan akhirnya negara Amerika pun ikut kandas. Akibatnya?? ekonomi dunia dilanda kekacauan luar biasa. Saham dunia semua merosot.. perusahaan2 besar justru terancam bangkrut.

Indonesia?? well.. saham ikut merosot tajam. Rame2 investor menarik semua sahamnya takut duitnya ilang tah kemana. Kejamnya lg, meski USD melemah, namun nilai tukar mata uang di seluruh duniapun ikut melemah. Rupiah? Jgn ditanya.. nyaris terjun bebas. Td pg dibuka dgn nilai tukar 1USD=9600. Ditutup dgn harga jual 10300 dan harga beli 9800.. geblek..

Efeknya ke nikahan gw?? bnyk.. ditakutkan biaya2 smua pun mau ga mau harus menyesuaikan meskipun ud diDP dan deal harga. klo ga kasian jg kali bisa bangkrut mereka jg. Gw masih bertahan dgn tabungan SGD gw, yg meskipun Rupiah merosot terhadap USD, tp SGD msh ada nilainya plg ga.Dimana rupiah nyaris ga pny nyawa lg.
Ga ada yg tau sampe kpn kejadian ini bkl berlangsung. Lebih tepatnya, sampe sejauh mana Rupiah mau terjun bebas, smua org masih meraba2 dasarnya ada dimana. Gw cm bisa berdoa smoga ga terjadi separah krismon 1997 yg lalu.

Mesti siap2 fisik dan mental menghadapi kemungkinan terparah yg terjadi. Skrg percaya ato ga, nasib biaya pernikahan gw dipegang sm kebijakan G7 yg bakal rapat hari ini.

I'm keeping my faith and spirits high. Believing God will guide me thru all this whatever may happen... May we all be given the strength and wisdom to face it all..

It is true.. God can take whatever is most valuable to us in an instant.. America lost everything in just a day. But I believe God can give us anything at any moment of time whenever God wishes. So that's what I'll do.. Believing that God will give what is best for me. In the mean time.. I might just go thru it all...