Friday, August 30, 2013

About Breastfeeding In Public

I am a breastfeeding mom. I'd love to use nursing rooms if there is one in the place that I'm going to. Well, sometimes if there is one, it's fully occupied. If I go to a park, and there is no nursing room, where do I go? If you're not a mom, can you imagine yourself starving till you want to faint if you don't eat asap? Well, babies are the same. So they will wail.. and I will be breastfeeding with my cover on anywhere. Sitting down, standing up, whereever I am.

Apparently here in Singapore, it has become a big fuss. Lately a mother who was breastfeeding in a restaurant was chased off. And I've heard stories about breastfeeding mom being scolded for breastfeeding in public.

I personally think, and I think most mothers will think this way, breastfeeding in public is perfectly fine. As long as you are covered well. I'd think nobody would even know you are breastfeeding. Actually I have that sense of pride when I'm breastfeeding and people glance at me. I feel that I'm giving what's best for my baby and how convenient it is.

On the other side of the world, a lot of breastfeeding moms are protesting as well. It turns out that on that side of the world, some people are against nursing in public too. They too experience being chided for nursing in restaurants, etc. Were they exposing her breast? NO! They covered their breast. And I think it is more than what women in bikinis cover. So therefore,there are lots of pics in moms magazines that shows a kid nursing on his mom, and the mom is exposing their breast, stating that breastfeeding is not pornography. If you get turned on by looking at a mom nursing its bubs, then something is wrong.

Okay, so by giving such an offensive reaction to breastfeeding, what you get is such an extreme response. Everyone is angry. Like, in what way do we disgust you by breastfeeding under the cover? Or is it because we cover up that you are not enjoying it?

Seriously, if I were to be scolded for breastfeeding in public, I would prepare a list of such intelligent things to say. For you breastfeeding moms, don't be shameful of doing so. If you think you are right, just keep doing in with you chins held high :)

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