Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2 Months with 2 Kids

I haven't touched this computer in such a loooong time. I do have some free time to sit in front of it, but it's usually very short while. To pay my bills mostly, and then after that.... "Ibu, ibu, I want to play a game" and there goes my computer session.

It is 1 am and I am surprisingly still awake. Hubby and 2 kids are sleeping. So no one is using the comp, YAY.

My two months have been busy, busy with adapting with new addition, new things, new school, new everything. SUddenly my maternity leave gone, just like that people!
First month I was sooo busy with the little one, with breastfeeding, engorgement, jaundice, etc. Second month I was busy with the big one, with new school, and illness.

I find myself stressed out at times, to a point where I am so frustrated and confused over what to do. I just feel lucky that I don't get lost in the way. I lost my nap, lost my me time, lost my sanity at times etc. I know I've got help at home, but sometimes these kids just want everything with me. They just kept pestering me that I've got to do it and no one else.

I will never again write in my CV, "able to perform tasks under stressing condition" because it turns out I am stressed out over 2 kids!
Today stress session 2 is finally releasing itself. The big one just broke her fever this morning after 6 consecutive days of fever. Fever is good I know, but it comes in a package with fussiness, blocked nose, cough, lost of appetite, lack of sleep, etc. So once it breaks, the big one will be running around and won't bother me so much for some time.

I am now enjoying my me time which only last for maybe 2 hours before my sleep and got to be ready for tomorrow's challenge. Geez God, don't they come with an instruction manual? hahahahaha

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