Last Saturday I did my medical check up. Of course hoping that everything turns out normal. I received my blood test yesterday and I didn't expect the results. My LDL cholesterol is already on the middle borderline high. Total cholesterol level is 222, while normal level is 200. High is when it's more than 239. Lucky I did my ecg, which turns out normal. Which means so far I got no problem with my heart yet but it will become a problem if I don't change my lifestyle. I suspect it's more of an hereditary thing. Some People with my type of lifestyle might be having normal cholesterol levels because genetically they are able to process it well.
It's quite of a shock for me which means I got to change all my eating habits, my snacks, everything I use, everything I eat.
All the web said it's not so hard. I only need to limit my type of carbo intake, e.g. Change rice to wheat oatmeal brown rice etc or eat very small amount of rice.
Drink low fat milk, or soy milk. Change my oil to olive oil or canola oil, change my margarines to the ones without trans fats. Change my santan to low fat milk. But I can still use all other ingredients.
But I barely can eat things like ready to cook nuggets, meatballs I gotta choose carefully, etc. Lots and lots and lots of fruits and veggies. And I guess no more unhealthy snack for me for at least a few months ahead. My most unhealthy snack can only be oven roasted peanuts :|.
Oh well, it seems my carefree youth day is over for me. A hint for me to do more exercise and lose weight.
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