Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kos dan Kucing Pt 1

Kemaren dapet berita duka. Dola meninggal. Dola yang paling disayang sama orang2 sekosan. Dola yg cantik dan montok.
Kalo udah bgini jadi flashback to the good old days.

Di KBBT 12 dulu awalnya cm ada 3 kucing, Tiki, Dolly sm saya lupa satu lg, panggil saja si uno. Uno ini kucing yg gagah pasti mudanya, tuanya aja kliatan. Uno keturunan Angora tp gak murni jd agak buduk jg. Uno mati di thn 2001 krn usia tua dan kita kubur di bawah pohon mangga belakang kosan.

Tiki klo gak salah anknya si uno. Waktu kecil lucuuuu bgt. Yg gak lucu cuman dia kdg suka ke kamar dan numpang buang air disitu. Ini adalah kucing kesayangan si ibu. Dulu bener2 ga boleh keluar rumah takut ilang. Klo mlm2 sampe kluar rmh kita anak2 kos bisa didiemin seharian.

Dolly adalah kucing binal nan subur klo kita blg. Tiap musim kawin pulang pasti hamil. Tp kynya rahimnya bermasalah ato gmn, bayi2nya sering prematur dan mati pas lahir. Klo selamatpun kadang suka dimakan sm dia! Rahasia alam ya, mungkin dia tau anaknya gak akan survive.

Namun bgitu ada 3 anknya yg selamat dan dirawat sampe besar. Tepatnya ibu kos yg berjuang merawat mereka.

Batch pertama si zoro sm si cicil. Kynya ini hasil perkawinan dgn si garong yg suka nongkrong d rmh deh. Soalnya dolly warnanya item sedangkan cicil lorek2 kuning kampung. Mereka berdua jg kecilnya lucu bgt.. Si cicil dipanggil cicil soalnya dulunya keciiil bgt. Padahal gedenya berbadan bongsor dan gagah. Zoro matanya item sebelah XD. Spt kucing2 sebelumnya merekapun melewati fase hobi nebeng buang air dimana2 sampe akhirnya toilet trained (alias boker di kmr mandi).

Pas Tiki mulai akil balik, dia mulai suka brisik pas musim kawin dan selalu gagal mencoba menggagahi Dolly soalnya si Dolly judes bgt, herannya laku aja tuh. Hingga pada suatu hari yg kita gak tau kpn, tampaknya Tiki berhasiiill!! Bbrp lama kemudian Dola lahir dan diapun jd idola baru di KBBT12.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pompeii Exhibition Part 1

Yesterday we went to the national museum. They have special exhibition about Pompeii. Maybe out of the Merapi euphoria we became more interested to come.

Vesuvius is a strato volcano which you can see from its cone shape like krakatoa and yes, merapi. It usually emits pyroclastic material which can be rocks, ash, lapili (smaller stones). On its biggest eruption on 79AD it destroyed 3 cities nearby which are pompeii and herculaneum. History notes that the eruption takes 2 days until it finally destroys everything.

The first day was the plinian eruption where gases and volcanic ash burst up to 35km through the atmosphere. Most of the people died on the second day where the pyroclastic surge travels up to hundreds of km/hr which can reach up to 500degC. In the end the city was covered by pyroclastic material 4m deep and for a while the world even forget this town existed.

Most people who died are those who did not flee because they don't want to leave their belongings.

I managed some time to sit down and read a book about daily life in pompeii briefly.

Pompeii was like any other city located on the foot of mountain, has very nice weather. This is where the romans build villas and resorts to rest. This city is bursting with trade activities.

Like any other Roman cities, it worships Gods and Goddesses, mainly the God of wine and fertility.

This town's households are almost the same as modern days. It says the middle class barely cook, they usually dabao from a fast food counter. Because only the rich have slaves. These are some of their so called portable stoves and ovens XD

On yesterday's exhibition i did not see so many statues. Maybe little was saved. These statues represent the hairdo fashion at that time. Well, they did perm their hair on those days..

Most statues I saw was the Gods and Goddesses.
More were shown on frescoes (wall paintings) and mosaics. I bet they spent some time putting these up. It consisted of very tiny fragments.

Location:National Museum Singapore

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Date

After we got married, say 1 or few years down the bend AND have kids, we often forget the few things we love about our partner. Life has just become routine and responsibilities despite you enjoy it or not.

It's good to have a date once in a while. Despite your reluctancy to leave your kid with someone else, a date is still necessary I find.

After sometime, we went out to catch a movie and dine out. We wanted to make it a weekly routine but sometimes you make plans but God says otherwise.

There we were, (finally) chatting and "dating". Like the old times. It wasn't fancy. We didn't even catch a movie in the mall. We went to iwerks in spore discovery centre which is like 10mins away. It was really a suburban slash industrial area. They fortunately shows 3d box office movies in their imax cheaper!! After that we went to dine in pastamania which is like so nearby hahaha.

Then I realize, we are not the type of people who needs to go to fancy places to rekindle moments. 10mins away from home, or a jog around the park where we chat our heart out is enough. Actually I prefer quiet places slash non-malls. Nothing much to do yes. But you enjoy each other's company more.

So who knows where we might go for our date next time. Maybe just a midnite show at home with indomie will be good enough if we really can't go out often haha.

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